Don’t Clean Your Hardwood Floors with These Cleaning Products?

Real hardwood floors add beauty and warmth to a room like few other flooring types can. They can last a long time, too, but they can also be pricey to install throughout your home. If you make the investment in hardwood floors, you’ll want to avoid using certain common household cleaning products to help ensure that you can enjoy your floors’ beauty for years to come.




It seems logical. Furniture pieces, such as coffee tables and dressers, are made of wood and so is the floor. So, why wouldn’t you use furniture polish on them? For one thing, polish is used to help make furniture shine, but the oil-based products they contain to create that shine can also make the wood slippery. If you apply it to your floor, you’re creating a dangerous situation that could lead to falls and injuries.

The other reason to avoid polish and other oil-based cleaners is that those products can leave a residue that builds up over time. This residue can be hard to remove, and if you ever need to refinish your floors, the residue can prevent future coats of your floor’s finish from adhering properly.



Glass cleaners or other cleansers with ammonia in them should also be avoided. While these products can often clean more than just glass, they’re not typically recommended for hardwood surfaces because they can dull or scratch the finish or leave unsightly spots that are hard to remove.



In any circumstance, bleach can be a dangerous chemical to work with. It can be harsh on your skin, cause your eyes to burn, and pose respiratory health problems, so avoiding bleach to clean almost anything in your home is probably the best way to stay safe.

Hydrogen peroxide is less dangerous and some experts will suggest a diluted solution of it as a method for cleaning wood floors. However, if you decide to go this route, there are two things you should do.

First, make sure you use a solution that contains no more than 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and dilute with ample water. Second, be sure to find an inconspicuous spot to test it on before you clean a larger or more exposed area of your floor. When not used correctly, hydrogen peroxide can alter the color of a floor’s finish, so it’s probably better to seek out alternative cleaning products.



Sometimes good old-fashioned water is the best option for cleaning your home, but it can also be hardwood’s worst enemy. You should always mop up spills immediately to avoid staining and damaging a wood floor, and for the same reason, avoid using a wet mop.

Steam cleaning can be an option if you have solid and sealed floors. If your floor isn’t sealed, the moisture can seep in and cause damage. And if your floors are laminate or engineered, steaming can warp them or cause the adhesive to loosen.




Now that you know what products not to use, you might be wondering what exactly you can do to properly clean your hardwood floors.

Your best bet is to make sure you wipe up any spills immediately. For daily, routine cleaning, use a soft-bristled broom to sweep up any dust, crumbs, or other dirt that can get ground into the floor and cause scratches.

When it’s time to give your floor a good cleaning, use a product that’s specially designed for wood floors. Lightly dampen a microfiber cloth with the product. You’ll be able to attract all the dust and dirt particles you might not be able to sweep up otherwise.

If you need more than just a sweep but don’t have any wood cleaners on hand, you can use a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice. These two ingredients should be mixed with water, though, so you’ll want to avoid leaving it on the floor too long to prevent it from seeping into the wood.



With over 25 years in the flooring industry, Goshen Floor Mart can certainly assist in your flooring needs and share our knowledge on how to keep your floors looking great for years to come. Visit our showroom at 65669 U.S. 33 to browse our carpet inventory or call 574.642.4770 for any flooring questions that you might have!

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