Exercising At Home? Your Flooring Is Important In Preventing Injury

You love exercising, but you despise going to the gym. Or, maybe you despise both exercising and going to the gym. You can’t go to the gym through at least the end of March anyway, but you know a regular exercise program provides nothing but benefits to you and your family.

There is a solution. Let’s bring that gym to your home — that way, you can make exercise a family affair and never have to step foot into a gym (outside of your home) again. Take a step in the right direction by starting with your gym floor. What available flooring options will serve you best in performance and pocketbook?

You may think, “Oh, I’ve got a nice concrete corner in your basement. What more do you really need?” Be careful on that concrete. With limited traction and little shock absorption, concrete can lead to injuries like chronic joint pain. Concrete is not a friend to your equipment or weights, either.

As a subfloor, concrete is perfect. When choosing the type of surface you want on top of that concrete, think about the exercises you’ll be doing, the amount of space you’ll need, and what type of equipment you’ll use. There are a variety of options available from artificial turf, to rubber, to foam, to cork, to carpet, and more.



Artificial Turf

If you’re an athlete who wants to increase your athletic performance with minimal risk of injury, consider artificial turf. With prices ranging from $2.50 – $7 a square foot, the turf’s unique surface allows for a variety in your strength training like sled pulls and pushes with excellent traction. You’ll love the ease of maintenance as well.



For the ultimate home gym, try rubber. It’s ideal for covering any surface and supports a variety of exercise equipment. It’s also forgiving on your joints with its shock absorbency. Rubber flooring comes in a roll, interlocking tiles, or as a single mat, making customization a cinch. Depending on the size of your wallet, you can build that rubber floor from $2 – $150 a square foot.



The most economical option, foam tiles have interlocking edges, making assembly quick and easy. While they’re not super heavy-duty, they are ideal for a simple gym floor. The foam provides good cushioning and impact reduction, and they’re affordable. Buyer beware though — foam tiles are prone to damage from heavy machines and weights and can be slippery when wet. Prices per square foot range from $1 – $4.



If green is your thing, then cork is an eco-friendly, renewable material that is fully biodegradable. With prices ranging from $2 – $10 per square foot, cork absorbs impact, is comfortable, and it won’t impair stability. So if your workouts are high-impact or high-intensity workouts, cork is a viable option. You’ll want to keep a supply of replacements on hand as cork can be easily damaged by merely dragging a piece of equipment across the floor.



Carpet tiles are incredibly versatile, and low pile gym carpeting is durable, meaning it can handle the wear and tear of some pretty hardcore workouts. Easy on your joints and pocketbook, carpet provides excellent traction and stability for cardio workouts and runs between $1.50 – $10 a square foot. Regular cleaning is recommended to prevent the build-up of bacteria and odors.



Finally, vinyl flooring, with its variety of colors and patterns, is a practical choice because it can stand up to the abuse of your home gym yet is still comfortable and chic for a living space. You’ll appreciate that it’s mold, mildew, and moisture resistant. At only $0.50 – $5 per square foot, vinyl flooring is an economical choice for your home gym.



Trust the experts

The professionals at Goshen Floor Mart have more than 25 years of experience in flooring and they’re ready to share that knowledge with you. Call 574.642.4770 or contact us here CONTACT

If you're in the market for flooring feel free to contact Goshen Floor Mart. Remember, we are always happy to provide you with a free estimate. Call us today at 574.642.4770 or contact us here