It was gone for awhile but it's coming back!

The last 20 years have been dominated by hardwood, however, now... carpet is not just surviving, but thriving. Over the last 5 years, carpet sales have started to soar! The flooring landscape is changing. More options, higher quality better technology and the fact that many people are getting tired of a household full of hardwoods have all led to this increase.

Everything in this world has highs and lows, it looks as if the world of carpeting is on its way to another high. However, the world of carpets has also seen it's fair share of lows... Remember shag carpeting? How about the browns and forest greens of the 90s? Or worse of all the cut-in designs of some carpeting in the 1970s? Let's hope that this uptick NEVER brings back any of the embarrassments of the past.


Since we're talking about carpet... Here are some cool carpet facts


1. Some carpet is made from 100% recycled materials!

2. Vacuuming your carpets for 30 minutes can burn more than 100 calories.

3. Dalton Georgia is the carpet capital of the world!

4. Used carpets can be recycled.

5. The stomach bug virus can live on your carpet for a month.

6. Carpets were produced as early as 500 B.C.

7. Carpet is dyed through boiling or spraying.

8. Several pounds of soil can build up in your carpet every year.

9. You can buy Michiana's best carpeting at Goshen Floor Mart!