Best outdoor flooring options
Are you ready for the beautiful upcoming summer? Ready to update your backyard? Let us help you! Lately, there have been many amazing updates when it comes to the technology behind outdoor flooring.We have options ranging from flooring for hot tubs, ground-level patios, and even soft flooring for your kids to play on. Below are some great options and explanations of how they can help you.
1. Plastic snap tiles
This is the most versatile flooring for the outdoors. Easy to install, inexpensive and good for almost everything!We recommend using plastic snap tiles for the following... Kids playgrounds, ground level backyard patios, sports courts, picnic areas, outdoor shower areas and much more!
2. Recycled rubber tiles
By far the best option for kids' playgrounds. These tiles are soft and forgiving to many falls that kiddos take. These rubber tiles are also very easy to install. However, our favorite thing about these tiles is the fact that they are recycled and that they come in so many colors! You can design your playground to be as bland or as colorful as you like!
3. Interlocking wood tiles
The best looking of all options, these tiles are waterproof, look amazing, and once again... easy to install. If you are looking to bring your indoors.. outdoors, pick a flooring that is similar to your interior hardwoods and expand your home to your backyard!
4. Artificial Turf
Very versatile, from simple ground coverings to intricate putting greens artificial turf can be used for all types of things! This flooring has the highest range of pricing as well. Artificial turf options start as simple as thin green mold-proof carpeting That can easily be used to simply brighten up the backyard, to professional grade artificial turf used at pro sports stadiums.
5. Outdoor carpet
Similar to artificial turf, this carpeting is mold-proof and comes in a variety of options from simple, cheap, thin carpeting to lavish, beautiful carpeting that carries a hefty price tag. Our favorite thing about this carpeting is that there is something for everyone and for every need.